The Research How Does RW360 for Education Help? Title of Study or White PaperOriginYearWork Engagement, Work Performance, and Trait Emotional Intelligence Among TeachersUSA2021A STUDY ON EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND TEACHERS’STRESSES IN COVID SITUATIONRomania2021Leaving the teaching profession: Examining the role of social support, engagement and emotional intelligence in teachers’ intentions to quitSpain2020Relationship between leadership and emotional intelligence in teachers in universities and other educational centres: A structural equation modelSpain2020School headmasters’ emotional intelligence and teachers’ job satisfaction: Moderation effect of emotional laborUnkown2020Emotional Intelligence in Teachers’ ActivitiesRussia2020The roles of job satisfaction, well-being, and emotional intelligence in enhancing the teachers’ employee engagementsIndonesia2020Conflict in the classroom: how teachers’ emotional intelligence influences conflict managementPortugal2020The relationship between emotional intelligence ability and teacher efficacyPortugal2020When pre-service teachers’ lack of occupational commitment is not enough to explain intention to quit: Emotional intelligence matters!Spain2020The Interplay of Emotional Intelligence Abilities and Work Engagement on Job and Life Satisfaction: Which Emotional Abilities Matter Most for Secondary-School Teachers?Spain2020Emotional Intelligence and Workplace Conflict Resolution: The Case of Secondary Education Teachers in Greece.Greece2020Can academic achievement in primary school students be improved through teacher training on emotional intelligence as a key academic competency?Spain2020Emotional Intelligence as a Predictor of Teacher Engagement in Classroom.Pakistan2020ROLE OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE IN TEACHING AND IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF FUTURE TEACHERS: A META-ANALYSIS.USA2020The Missing Link: Emotional Intelligence in Teacher PreparationUSA2012The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in TeachersUSA2020Developing Teachers’ Social and Emotional Skills | EdutopiaUSA2015The relationship between teachers’ emotional intelligence and classroom discipline managementUnknown2018Emotional Intelligence and the Next Generation of Teachers Canada2018